Karisimbi Volcano

Karisimbi Volcano

Virunga Volcanoes In Rwanda


The Volcanoes national park, a well-known refuge for mountain gorillas in Rwanda, contains Mount Karisimbi. The summit is located on the boundary between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In the Virunga ranges that encircle Karisimbi, there are a number of volcanoes, including Mount Bisoke to the east, Mikeno to the north, and Nyiragongo to the west.
With 4,507 meters above sea level, Mount Karisimbi is the highest volcanic mountain in the Virunga mountains and a dormant volcano. At the peak, it has two craters. The biggest is Mutango, which has a caldera called Branca as well. The white coating that covers the summits, which is occasionally visible on clear days of the year, is referred to as Karisimbi in Kinyarwanda.

Karisimbi is located in a biologically varied part of the Virunga protected area, which has led to its popularity as a trekking destination. Beautiful trekking routes can be found in the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. Among the various primate species that can be spotted along the routes are the golden monkey and mountain gorillas. Trekkers can anticipate viewing a staggering array of birds and vegetation, in addition to monkeys, at various summit locales. You might also be interested in reading a story on gorilla tracking at Volcanoes National Park.

Although extremely challenging, Mount Karisimbi is definitely worth the effort. For the best experience, it is suggested that one schedule their ascent during the dry season (June to October and December to March). The dry season makes hiking easier because the pathways are less slick. The wet season can be particularly difficult for hikers. They face difficulties when climbing such as slushy trails and constant rain. Less experienced hikers run the risk of not completing the trail, while more experienced mountain climbers might not have any problems with these challenges.

No matter the season, the mountain is challenging, and one should expect sloping, steep trails. A climber must be in top physical and mental condition. If one is unprepared, they can get tired in the midst and give up. An unprepared hiker with heavy legs could slow down the entire group. For this reason, a hiker needs to be physically and psychologically prepared before trying the effort of reaching the peak. The park administration makes everything available to make the experience as pleasant as possible. If one has large luggage or instruments, they can always hire a porter.

The walk up Mount Karisimbi takes two days. On the day of the hike, everyone gathers at the Volcanoes national park offices for a briefing. During the briefing, the park rangers cover all the elements, including the mountain’s history, what to expect, and safety issues. All hikers are required to complete special permission and declaration forms.

The climb to the summit of Mount Karisimbi takes about 8 hours. Before returning to the trail, participants can take breaks or eat while climbing Mount Karisimbi to make up for calories lost. In order to rest for the night before continuing the next day to the summit (4700 meters), hikers arrive at a designated campground at an elevation of around 3,000 meters above sea level. The summit is reached with tremendous delight for the hiker. It makes one feel accomplished for having conquered one of Africa’s tallest mountains. Hikers gather to take selfies near the crater and caldera, ignoring any fatigue they may be experiencing.

The trek offers views of Bisoke, Gahinga, Sabyinyo, Mikeno, Nyamuragira, Nyiragongo, and Muhabura, among the other volcanoes of the Virunga mountains. These beautiful botanical features and volcanic formations (craters and calderas) surround these volcanoes, whose shapes and sizes vary. Particularly impressive is the Nyiragongo volcano, where smoke may be seen rising from the bubbling lava at the summit. Along with the volcanoes, hikers can see the breathtaking national parks of Rwanda, Uganda, and the Congo. Once you’ve had enough time at the summit, you’ll start the descend back to the starting place. The descent takes around 6 hours.

A hiking permit is required to ascend the Karisimbi volcano. The Rwanda Development Board issues a hiking permit that contains details about the hiker, the date of the hike, and the rules. You can buy it through the Rwanda Development Board directly online, in the main office of the National Park of Volcanoes, or from a reputable tour company like Adventure in the Wild Safaris. It is always advisable to reserve a permit in advance, even though during off-peak times one can obtain one directly from the park.

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